Friday, January 9, 2009

Nostradamus Is Full Of It

Last night I meant to meet people, I meant to leave the house, meant to get some work done, meant to do laundry or cook something. Instead, I got sucked in by this show where scientists decode the predictions by Nostradamus. They go on and on about Blue Stars and tidal waves and earthquakes until I feel like I'm about to be hit by a wayward comet any moment. Apparently, the world will be ending in 2012 according to old Nostradamus.
These types of shows usually make me start thinking of the best places to go in case something happens. I came up with:
1) The mall - Dawn of the Dead style. Also, there's a roof - no help in a super volcano.
2) The Hoover Dam - I guess they will have power for a few weeks longer than anyone else.
3) Iowa - trust me, the Apocalypse will forget to hit there.
any of you have any good spots?

Then I realize that I saw pretty much the same show in 1999 of these people saying Nostradamus predicted all this would go down at the Millenium. Also, his "predictions" are pictures of people with bow and arrows. And suns. Lots of room for interpretation.


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