Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lessons From a Non Teacher

photo by Candace Meyer

"Texting is Not Communicating"
I want to preface this lesson with the statement that I love text and technology. I would rather text people than call them in most cases but texting and dating or casually dating or whatever should be done with caution.
I can't get to know anyone over text. "How R U?" doesn't mean anything. You may have the iPhone and can type me a whole letter with correct punctuation and grammar and everything but I will inevitably read it and take your "text joke" wrong. Then I'll read it again later and take it a completely different way and ask what I've ever done to you to get a text like that. The worst ones come at 2AM and have half the words misspelled. I can decide that this means any number of things and chances are I'll decide it means that you hate me. I can't help it, I have always had an overactive imagination.
So anyway, I started trying to call people more a while back and it sort of worked. People got annoyed with me for calling them while I was doing something else and I still text most of the time but at least I can hear in someone's voice that they are joking and I do believe it has helped some of my relationships. If you're a chronic texter, your homework is to call someone.


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